interviewed several parents on their journey navigating parenting and career and I shared my secret to making it through those tough, early years with a simple habit I used to survive those challenging times… These are the years when you’re supposed to be busting your butt to get ahead—but all you can think about […]
For working parents, juggling child care came at a steep cost during Covid
Every working parent had been put to the test during Covid. How I managed was the topic of discussion during my interview with CNBC. It was such a relevant issue that it got picked up by tons of media outlets. Managing job responsibilities along with remote school and other household tasks caused some to fall […]
How to Positively Boost Your Productivity
We all have those days where it’s incredibly difficult to get anything done, where even the most basic tasks take forever to finish. Those days of zero productivity are troubling, because it seems hard to figure out how to get past it. Luckily, it’s not difficult and there are some simple strategies you can put […]
The Work/Life Balance Project
I believe that stress as a status symbol is ridiculous, but I didn’t always feel that way. Has your perfectionistic tendency begun to undermine your health, like it did mine? As a self-proclaimed workaholic who used to be proud of it, I continue to learn new things each day and expand my own ideas about what […]